Yule/Winter Tea (Rose, Yerba Santa, & Tamarind)


Bendito Dia/Day,

Today, I made a god-given tea blend. Perfect for the YULE/Winter Equinox season we are in. Times like this make me want to  Rose buds, YERBA SANTA and Tamarind. The properties of today's blend promotes a sense of better my inner-self.

You know that feeling right? Inner-self. It starts in the face and moves slowly down the body. The feeling you get when you walk into a supermarket. I imagine yu filling up your cart with greens and feeling super empowered of this change. You feel mighty. Powerful and divine.  

Here's a quick breakdown of what this brujis decided to brew for the day

(Plus - if you have any throat pain, the tonic qualities of this brew immediately soothes the throat and removes mucus) 

Rose buds possess the power to give your body a nice dosage of Vitamin C (which helps your body fight colds) -- great for the winter time! Also, for all my IRON-DEFICIANT ladies. This helps your body absorb iron too :).

Get your self-healing on!

Yerba Santa - Miraculously, helps with  respiratory conditions including coughs, colds, tuberculosis, asthma, and chronic bronchitis. (Fight the winter like a pro sistah) Helps loosen phlegm (release the negative sis!) Like the name, it can be used as a tonic! Spiritually, it’s a SUPER PLANT. You can Boil, Burn, and bathe in it! Removes negativity and hostile energies in your life and guarding and protecting your intuitive abilities. It even helps enhance them!

Tamarid - Epa! My favorite drink. Brings me back to Bonao city in Dominican Republic. This drink is especially my favorite because it helps decalcify our third eye. Our third eye calcifies when we use products that include FLOURIDE. So be wary of the toothpaste or mouthwash you use.


Hope this blog post inspired you to make some tea and enjoy the benefis of Earth's medicine. 

Tapping into my inner spirit and channeling my thoughts out to the world.